Super Cart
Super Cart provides sound editors and designers with a robust library of the physical sounds of the legendary 16 bit console the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.
We meticulously captured each button press on the controller and console, the nostalgic sound of blowing in cartridges, reset, eject, power on, button mashing and movement.

- All Controller Button Presses
- All Console Buttons and Switches
- Blowing into Cartridges
- Cartridge Movement
- Controllers Plugged in/out
- Multi Video Plugged in/out
- PSU in/out
- Controller Thrown On Floor
- Bit Depth: 24 bit
- Sample Rate: 96 kHz
- UCS Compliant Metadata
- Descriptive File Names
- Royalty Free
- Equipment: Zoom F6, Sennheiser MKH 416
- 187 Wave Files
What's Inside?
The library contains 187 audio files. There are individual controller button presses for A, B, X, Y, L, R Start and Select buttons and the D-Pad.
For the console there are sounds for the power on/off switch, eject cartridge button and reset button. There are sounds for the connectors at the rear of the console: Multi-video, AC power adapter, Scart.