Cosmetics is a deep collection of beauty, cosmetic and skincare sounds.
Apply the sounds of lotions, creams, pumps, foams, scrubs, droppers, mascara, makeup brushes and perfume to make your project glow!
Also includes unboxing sounds and opening/closing lids of different beauty products.
Includes 132 files.
- Creams spreading
- Lotion Pumps
- Oil Dropper
- Scrubs & Soap
- Spray & Perfume Bottles
- Lipstick & Lip Smacks
- Makeup Brushes
- Roll On Deodorant
- Bit Depth: 24 bit
- Sample Rate: 96 kHz
- UCS Compliant Metadata
- Descriptive File Names
- Royalty Free
- Equipment: Sennheiser MKH 8060, Sennheiser MKH 416, Sound Devices 633, ESI ESU 1808
- 132 Wave Files
Cosmetics Toolkit
Inside Cosmetics you'll find a concise toolkit for skincare, makeup and cosmetics.
Cosmetics is ideal for beauty ads on TV and social media, ASMR, as well as fashion games and makeup apps.